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Our Story

After battling anxiety and depression, our CEO (Monifah Doyley), found herself searching for a way out and came across a holistic approach to life!

On her journey, Monifah practised many techniques such as mindfulness, Christian meditation, fitness and self-care. All of these she found to not only improve her mental health but give her a foundation to lean on to help her battle her daily challenges and live a balanced holistic lifestyle.

Given her passion for natural products, caring for others through dental nursing and her battles with PTSD, Monifah felt compelled to do something to help others cope with mental illnesses. She started Restore Eden Ltd, in September 2022 to provide people with daily tools and products to not only aid their mental health challenges but find wellness as a whole.

Being a living testimony to the practices of holistic wellness Monifah couldn’t help but share her story and dedicate her services, to ensure others can reap the benefits too. Inspired by her faith, Monifah was reminded that her body is a temple and that her greatest way to honour her creator was to take care of herself by leading a healthy lifestyle, and following the 8 laws of health. The heart of our mission is to bring people to value their bodies as sacred temples and encourage them to walk the journey to better.

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